The DMD Series In-Line Amplifiers convert a mV/V transducer into either a 0-5 Vdc or 4-20 mA output device. They are intended for applications where physical conditions will not allow the amplifier to be integral with the transducer body and must be ordered with a transducer as they are calibrated with that transducer to effect their output over the range of the transducer. The 4-20 mA output amplifiers require a bridge resistance of at least 5000 Ohms.
† Price are shown in RMB.
Note: 1) Mating connectors ordered separately, PT06F10-6S, $26.50 ea. 2) Current output models require bridge resistance >5000 Ohms (OPTIONS SHOWN IN THIS "NOTE" ABOVE ARE PRICED IN US$) Ordering Example: (1) DMD-19V NEMA-4 style 0-5 Vdc output amplifier with Bendix connectors as the input and output, ¥2,680.00, plus (2) PT06F10-6S Mating input and output connectors, ¥340.00 ea., ¥2,680.00 + 340.00 X 2 = $3,360.00
Keywords:In-Line Amplifiers for Pressure Transducers and Load Cells, indicator light switch