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2路、3路或4路的选择开关,完整的工具包或组件。 22mm和30mm开关,标准杆,长柄或键控操作。


OMPBD7-SS 22mm Series Selector Switches
OMPBD7-SS 22mm Series Selector Switches
Selector Switches 2-Way, 3-Way & 4-Way Heavy-Duty/Oil Tight Switches
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10250T-SS Series Selector Switches
10250T-SS Series Selector Switches
Heavy-Duty 30.5mm Metal Selector Switches
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E34 Series Indicating Lights, Selector Switches and Pushbuttons
E34 Series Indicating Lights, Selector Switches and Pushbuttons
30mm Rugged Push Buttons, Selector Switches, Contact Blocks and Legend Plates
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OMPB-IL Series LED and Incandescent Indicating Lights
OMPB-IL Series LED and Incandescent Indicating Lights
22 mm Indicating Lights, NEMA Type 4/4x/13 IP66 suitable for wash down environments.
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SCE-PBA Series Sloping Pushbutton Enclosures
SCE-PBA Series Sloping Pushbutton Enclosures
NEMA Type 12 Steel Sloping Front Pushbutton Enclosures for 22mm & 30.5mm Push Buttons
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Stack Lights - Warning Tower Lights, Complete Assembled Lights and Components
Stack Lights - Warning Tower Lights, Complete Assembled Lights and Components
Stack Lights, Indicating Lights, Signal Lights with Steady, Flashing & Strobe Light Modules with NEMA 4/4x/13 & IP65 Rating
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